Ok dinosaur is going to be different,
no not because it s a Pixar movie but, well let’s face it, the story is really
different. Till date dinosaur movies take us back into the past but, dinosaur
does not take us anywhere but, rather asks us a question- what if dinosaurs
were not extinct and still living among us. The movie is no doubt a cartoon
but, the imaging is so real, it’s just elevating. It’s when the characters come
in front that you realize it’s a cartoon movie and as the character appears on
the screen the cuteness captivates and makes you want to go ahead and find out
what’s going to happen.
The main focus of the movie is on two
central characters Arlo and Spot. The dinosaur is Arlo, a really huge cute
Apatosaurus and the little boy is Spot. Arlo is lost as he fell down in the
river and is now far away from his home so he begins his journey up the river
and on way he meets Spot an orphan. Now if you are thinking what type of name
is that for a boy well, you can actually call Spot Arlo’s pet dog. Because in
the movie it’s Arlo who’s playing all the human dialogues and Spot well is just
tagging along.